How will Bimba change your life?
- LEAK FREE ALL DAY/NIGHT: Bimba Period underwear keeps you dry and retain your flow thanks for its multiple build-in layers, absorbing the blood in the middle and then retaining it with its waterproof liner.
- COMFY WITH NO BULK FEELING: Bimba’s underwear are made to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during your period. It will follow your movements while you sleep or even exercise so go ahead and enjoy your day with no stress!
- REDUCED SMELL: the fabric is breathable, which prevents bad smells and bacteria development.
- GOOD FOR THE PLANET: By replacing conventional pads and tampons by Bimba, you are avoiding plastics and chemicals to end up in landfills and damage the planet.
- GOOD FOR YOUR WALLET: by switching to Bimba period undies, you will not need to purchase disposable period products every month and throw away stained underwears. With the right care, the initial investment of a few Bimba pairs will have you covered for several years.